C. Steve Suh

Statement of achievements
Professor Steve Suh has formulated three (3) novel theories that have had broad while also far-reaching impacts on engineering: 1) Nonlinear Time-Frequency Control (NTFC), 2) Power Density – An Alternative to Fatigue Failure, and 3) Ultrafast Thermo-Elasto-Plastodynamics. NTFC has found success in the ultra-stability control of a plethora of nonlinear systems including discontinuous vibro-impact oscillators with high-order time-delays, highspeed micro/nanomachining, electric machines, hybrid hydraulic-electrical actuators, and underactuated systems. While Power Density is the first in quantifying fatigue life and failure with definitive physical parameters, Ultrafast Thermo-Elasto-Plastodynamics facilitates the processing of both polycrystalline and single-crystalline engineering materials using ultrafast optical energy for green and sustainable manufacturing. C. Steve Suh has also significantly contributed to elevating the Axiomatic Design Theory to one that describes engineering design process using mathematical mapping and critical design parameters, enabling innovative design thinking in engineers as a result.
While served as the Director of The Institute of Innovation in Design and Engineering (IIDE) at Texas A&M University between 2007 and 2013, C. Steve Suh facilitated the conceptualization, embodiment, and implementation of an integrated design research and education program that addresses globalization, entrepreneurship, innovation, industry needs, and sustainability with the utilization of advanced design methodologies and computer tools for efficient, effective, and innovative design practice. He actively promoted university-industry collaborations on developing innovative engineering solutions and providing enhanced design education to exceeding 2,500 engineering students and engineers, experienced and novice alike. His expertise in 1) nonlinear time-frequency control theory, 2) complex networks, 3) engineering design theory, 4) ultrafast laser dynamics, 5) 3D microelectronic packaging, 6) advanced manufacturing, and 7) fluid-structure interactions have resulted in exceeding 170 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including 3 book volumes and many book chapters which are being broadly adopted by institutes of higher education world-wide either as teaching materials or reference texts.
In addition to being an ASME Fellow recognized for his serving the engineering community as a scholar and an educator, C. Steve Suh is continuing upholding his duty as an engineering professional in the following roles: (1) Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics, (2) Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Springfield, (3) Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, (4) Associate Editor of the International Journal of Dynamics and Control, (5) Associate Editor of the Journal of Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity. In these leadership positions, C. Steve Suh is fostering innovative ideas, promoting cross engineering discipline collaborations, and facilitating creative academic-industry synergy to address the need for innovative engineering solutions. A seasoned engineer of years of real-world experience, C. Steve Suh has worked with a broad spectrum of more than 40 companies and government agencies including Ford Motor, Boeing, Fluor, NASA, Schlumberger, Surgimedics, Shell Global Solutions, Lockheed Martin, and Applied Materials, on developing innovative engineering solutions ranging from system integration to manufacturing design to software development. He has delivered more than 2 dozens invited speeches on topics ranging from chaos control to innovative engineering design education to thermo-elasto-visco-plastodynamics.