Stochastic Dynamics and Data Science
November 25, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM, Central Time
- Qi Liu, Yong Xu, Fixed-interval smoothing of an aeroelastic airfoil model with cubic or free-play nonlinearity in incompressible flow
- Sun Jiaojiao, Huan Ronghua Reliability of nonlinear stochastic controlled system considering the dynamics of sensors and actuators
- Xia Lei, Huan Ronghua, Rebalance control of a predator-prey system under abrupt changes
- Jinzhong Ma, Yong Xu, Di Liu, Suppression of noise-induced critical transitions: a linear augmentation method
- Biliu Zhou, Yanfei Jin, Discontinuous dynamics of near-grazing flutter for a two-dimensional airfoil with impulsive state feedback control